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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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get ready for a lesson in protesting students in canada are up in arms over a two wishin hike and they're taking to the streets but they're still only paying a fraction of what american students pay so is it time for students in the u.s. to use their street smarts to advocate change. you're not yet ready to say i'm indoors with you will it so well as the line says of the wizard of oz all in good time my pretty it will help republicans are rallying around mitt romney albeit reluctantly but hold on one candidate does have a big following and a growing number of delegates will tell you why ron paul is still still a serious contender in this race. plus it may look like your average five star
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hotel but it will soon be the setting of a very secret meeting of the minds of the decisions made here could affect people everywhere so what's with all the builder berg secrecy i'll tell you what we can about this who's who of the rich and powerful. it's monday april thirtieth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine and you're watching our t.v. . well today marks day seventy seven of a student strike and comeback canada and their anger over the last week or so has turned into loud and in some cases violent action. these are pictures from last week when the protests really started heating up students are angry over a plan to raise school. as part of
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a government effort to get the budget deficit under control on friday convex premier john charade made an elf offer to students in an attempt to try to reach a compromise saying the three hundred twenty five dollars per year increase over five years could instead be spread out over seven years also said more loans would be available to students and offered a plan to make repayment of loans after college proportional to income but it's clear to students that this is not simply about a number what this signifies is a shift in ideology of education for decades they're being seen as a public good worth funding and supporting now they say things have changed and students have rejected that package of call the offer insulting so what's next for those protesters who are now numbering in the hundreds of thousands well for more on the situation i was joined earlier by citizen journalist bernard. he loved and laid out to us just what these students are asking for anyway. well basically
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they're asking for a negotiation and negotiations are not taking place right now. the students even proposed mediation and the minister the minister of education answered that she wants students first to vote. or proposal or that you just described and she's asking actually for a secret ballot. asking having some requests specific requests per student but one student to mention on a very popular t.v. show that on the weekend the ministers own party the liberal party when they have assembly votes by show of hands so the minister is just trying to play the teacher here and trying to teach students a lesson in democracy and i don't think he's in a very good position to teach them democracy right now but right now this is our voting and. show it looks like they're not going to be accept the ministers
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proposals like i said a lot of them even call that insulting and looking at these pictures here i mean this is a very big protest you have the majority of quebec students saying you know they always finish their semester but more than one hundred thousand are refusing to attend their classes but you know here in the usa it's a little mind boggling to a lot of people three hundred twenty five dollars a year most didn't care wouldn't even notice that kind of increase talk a little bit about what the bigger picture is for the students yes the bigger picture is that all those protests. vast allegations of corruption and mismanagement by the government so what the students are saying is that before charging the students more to attend university the government should be putting its own house in order and what i can give you a couple examples of the. i was just last week on c.b.c.
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which is the canadian broadcasting broadcasting corporation that was. reporting there was a report about mismanagement that led to overspending by four hundred thousand dollars in a very small project and that was an example of what the government is doing and mismanaging univers. money in university now is a project for universities and so the students are saying is that there is a lot of overspending in universities. people in the directors of the university are paid huge salaries and it seems i think this is not acceptable another example would be that the government around two thousand and three when it came in power. subsidize hydro come back hydro come back is as state owned corporation
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that produces an electricity and come back at a very very. adventurous rate and for citizens and for companies who for example make aluminum and that company sold it desires and that man that means right now that about thirty billion dollars not thirty billion dollars thirty billion barrels which is three thousand billion dollars worth of oil . slipped from the hands of the of the public company and will be basically making people who are already rich even richer and so students are saying if if before we start having to pay more for three shouldn't we should story by recovering the money that should be the public's money that's very interesting i'm not i'm wondering i mean we're looking at pictures right now just so many people in the streets thousand people waiting i mean is it possible that
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this violence that the driving will actually spill across the border. oh no first of all the violence has been in combat. the students have been very diligent as i mentioned earlier they were on a very popular talk show over the weekend actually the most popular talk show of the french t.v. network of the c.b.c. they are scoring a lot of points in the public opinion they don't need to be violent we have a very good website where you can see videos where the explain it's all in french but explain why why they are asking what they're asking about the same questions you just asked me and so they don't need to be violent at all and they are not basically. the police first of all and from a small group of protesters who probably were provoked provoked. agents just by we've seen that in the band just used by the police to turn things into
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a nightmare and i know we just heard the come back the liberal party has decided to move the location of its scheduled general council meeting that was going to take place this week and they're moving it out of town and when you think of party leaders are concerned about. well because the problem is that the facts will not go away if you can you can believe this deviance you can send police in the streets to beat up. peaceful protesters but you won't make the facts disappear and as i see this these protests they place a new vast allegations of corruption that have been taking place those we've heard those allegations for years and years now and so the whole population of québec knows that the government is corrupt and is managed just managing the system basically and so even if it starts saying it was the students
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who have short hair for boys and all this is all unimportant to the population that knows the facts more and more so i think the government wants to escape to quiet locations because they don't want to have questions as to who really does appreciate your insight there from comebacks and you're front and center there to all the action happening citizen journalist bernard take on yeah i appreciate it my pleasure let's take a look now at the narrowing presidential field as we get ready to head into the month of may all right so what does that mean i mean six months left before the two thousand and twelve election i think it's fair to say the republican establishment viewpoint as of today can be summed up pretty simply and i will give the honors to president george h.w. or daddy bush i do think time for a party to get behind governor romney and he reminded me kenny rogers show news time when to hold them a time when the vote of well i think is time for people to get behind this good man
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but not everyone thinks it's time to fold them and even those who may eventually throw their support in their political weight behind the quote presumptive nominee don't really seem excited to do so take a look. mitt romney is going to be the nominee and i'm going to support the nominee whoever the nominee is period and that's mitt romney well that's what it looks like you know but i hear you saying you're not ready to say i'm indoors but you will at some well as the line says in the wizard of oz all in good time my pretty it will happen all right so the landscape has changed rick santorum is out newt gingrich is scheduled to back out this week so that leaves just two men mitt romney and ron paul so what about ron paul and how many things change now that there are just two men left standing let's go to brian dorothea senior editor for reason dot com he also wrote the book ron paul revolution the man and the movement inspired.
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ok we'll break down the numbers in a moment but let me just get your take on how you see the next six months for ron paul playing out here. wrong oh i'm going to continue to fight it out to the end he reiterated again and again he's going to keep on rocking he almost certainly is not going to rock up with you know we've you know i'm mitt romney he was well if you going to signal that the republican party they have to pay attention. spans and he was i going to mean a very big republican party moving forward whether mitt romney when you're losing your bomb or you're going to i do want to put some of those numbers up on the screen these numbers are emerging in terms of delegate count and you know i should mention they're a little fluid but here's what we're seeing right now this is kind of on the road to getting the one thousand one hundred forty four needed the total right now romney's got eight hundred forty seven and ron paul has eighty but now the other guys are no longer running and we do want to do just a few compare and contrast let's take
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a look at iowa both men have seven delegates minnesota mitt romney has two ron paul has nine in north dakota and north dakota mitt romney has seven delegates ron paul has eight and in maine another close one mitt romney has a lot of in delegates and ron paul has nine brian these are just a few states here with some close numbers how does ron paul get to a place where the gap at least becomes a little smaller. in some of these our caucus states the process of actually picking who their delegates are going to vote for in tampa is still ongoing so i think all of these numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt right now but what you have to do moving forward remember virginia a state where all the other candidates neglected to even get themselves on the ballot ron paul did very well against romney got around forty percent i think you're going to see him racking up numbers like that in many states and in some states like california particularly you can win delegates without winning the state as a whole you can win the congressional district again none of this means that ron paul
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is going to close that gap and be the nominee on the first ballot what it does mean that he is going to prove the validity of a strongly anti-war seriously anti-spending. actually constitutionalist force within the republican party i mean they've talked a small government game for decades none of them of government except a wrong call and i think that he's in there means that those people need to be minded by the political establishment i think it's an interesting point when you bring up the small government aspect that ron paul holds another group does hold that ass like the tea party who we saw did very well in in two thousand and ten something very interesting happen involving both the ron ron paul and the tea party they sort of joined forces recently and alaska and now the new head of the state g.o.p. there. they're both ron paul supporters i think as far as i know this is pretty unprecedented that you know the heads of a state party are both ron paul supporters what's going on here i'm glad you
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brought that up in the same is true of iowa as well there's two different games that the poll people are playing now one is the delegate game which we've been talking about but more important the long term is the taking over local and state republican party game in which the poll people are also getting very very good out alaska and i were pretty much theirs and california is being worked on in that same regard is pretty much of the strong. so-called religious right played in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight if everyone remembers pat robertson insurgent campaign for the presidency he did not win but his people did what the rumpel people are doing now their teachers will use their numbers in their passion to sort of swing above their weight in actually taking over party positions and that is going to shape the party down the line it will shape the kind of candidate it will shape basically what is considered serious and real that we're going to run policy problems all year with people just. sounds interesting but the the kooky outlier
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when everyone you're seeing at your local republican party meeting or ron paul people you're going to start taking ron paul more seriously and of course going forward it's not going to be ron paul himself but it's going to be maybe rand paul it's going to be other candidates who believe what ron paul believes and the republican party with every one of these ron paul people who enters with his positions of authority by definition the republican party becomes more like ron paul and that's going to be great for america in the future i think and one of the thing that ron paul supporters always say and point out is how consistent he's been over the years longer than i've been alive that he's been in politics and really just saying the same things when you talk about other republicans other conservatives adopting some of his ideologies it's already started to happen in some aspects we see things criticism of the fed criticism of a large government some even talk about bringing back the gold standard but one of the biggest problems and i'm not talking about legalizing marijuana or anything like that what one of the biggest problems is that most conservatives tend to be
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very pro-military and pro-war you have a lot of them are in bed with the defense contractors how does you know how do people who want to adopt more of his ideologies that seems to be one that's just not going to happen and what do you think fran you are obviously absolutely pinpointed his biggest problem in waiting the affection of your basic party right i mean but by most standards ron paul. should have been the tea party's favorite by acclamation he's he's the only one of us a serious plan to actually balance the budget within five years with no taxes already the as a consistent record over thirty years never voting for a balanced budget never going to work never voted for more spending yet they've had a hard time embracing them anything for that one of the reasons the foreign policy what he's been very good at doing on the campaign trail is framing of the foreign policy issues and sort of just really conservative way pointing out that one of the main things that bankrupting the country that's causing our fiscal crisis is our ruinously expensive overseas adventurism ron paul and so it has both a moral and
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a prudential objection to this sort of overseas mentor them i think him and i think the later candidates who are not wrong call themselves might be able to do a better job winning in on the part that a more standard right winger might appreciate i mean when ron paul talks about applying the golden rules or foreign policy it's an incredibly brave thing to say and i think an incredibly correct thing to say but it scares a lot of americans to think hey why do people overseas have problems with american behavior a lot of americans don't want to think like that so it might be better you know in the future if you're if you're just trying to be republicans republican to try to explain to them look we cannot afford this anymore what's wrong coulter says but i think it maybe gets drowned out by some of the other stuff well as and some of that other stuff including you know as ron paul says and these wars are bankrupting the u.s. government they're making a lot of other people rich a lot of other people who have a whole lot of influence so that's sort of where the message gets muddled final
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question for you brian just want to know now that essentially there are two men standing are people going to start paying more attention to ron paul and by people i mean more of the mainstream media. i hope so but i'm not i'm not convinced that will occur i think it's going to be easy for the press to just go ok it's over we still got that ron paul guy you know spinning his wheels with his crazy crowds of three to seven thousand kids that he can attract this is very important i've been following paul's campaign for my book from the beginning the crowds he is drawing now are enormously larger than they were two four and six months ago and his electoral prospects seem to get smaller the passion in gendering in these thousands of people especially young people growing so the ron paul movement is going to be significant way beyond what happened in tampa november and yeah i was just a university of maryland a couple weeks ago seventeen hundred people filled the auditorium they had to turn others away all to hear ron paul speak for an hour pretty interesting stuff appreciate having you on the show bryant already senior editor of reason dot com he
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also wrote the ron paul revolution the man and the movement inspired. still ahead on r t the marriott hotel in chantilly virginia is a picturesque setting for a family vacation and also a great place to hold a secret meeting of the world's most rich and powerful i'll tell you what we can about the secret meeting planned for next month in just a moment. but in the alone and so we'll get to the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . what drives the
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world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of to be made who can you trust no one who is you view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more. well every year there is a meeting of the minds so to speak organize for the one hundred or so people very powerful now this is invite only in the last few meetings have taken place that venues such as the astor place resort in athens greece the hotel dolce in spain and the right to house in st moritz switzerland well this year it's got to take place at the westfield marriott hotel not too far from here in chantilly virginia all right so here's a look at the hotel from the outside and that's all most people will see during this conference that to take place may thirty first to june third as the hotel is
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totally booked and will be on lockdown we were curious though about what this hotel is. all about take a look at here's the website to the marielle where the conference is being held it brags that it captures the elegance of northern virginia as colonial estates in a resort like setting and that's not all the chantilly virginia hotel offers a twenty four hour fitness center an indoor and outdoor pool plus those who stay have access to the signature westfield fred couples golf club no doubt some important conversations will be had now in the hotel there is westfield's restaurant with the award winning sunday champagne brunch a pub for those needed night caps and of course starbucks coffee while there's a forty thousand square foot conference center with award winning catering state of the our audio visual services and wireless internet so that's a look at the location for this year's build a bridge conference let's talk now about what may be going on inside alex jones is
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the host of the alex jones show and alex i know that you and your team are no stranger to this hotel and we'll talk about that in a bit let me first get your take on what you supposed might be discussed and decided behind closed doors there. well they had their meeting there four years ago and that's where they chose to have hillary step down and for obama to become the presumptive nominee for the democrats there in denver in the two thousand and eight d.n.c. meeting and for an entire day the media in virginia and in d.c. was saying where is obama where's obama and we were there saying he's inside the secret service is there and we had inside sources that he indeed was there with hillary and years later that came out but the mainstream media would not cover it yet at that time and so i think some of the same things will be discussed should the elite get behind mitt romney or barack obama both men are bought and paid for by the same financial interest and so the discussion will be which candidate can
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basically con the american people into laying down a tyranny for another four years old and really be discussing wars with iran ways to censor the internet that's been discussed in past years the head of google and others were attending in switzerland last year when my team covered it so they're going to be discussing a lot of things also how to sell the public on more bank or bailouts that is more taxpayer money paid to the private banks that have hijacked our country and then also be discussing how to ram through carbon taxes because their environmental hoax has imploded but alice i mean when you talk about the decision being made about which candidate to support i mean we still you know have a system in this country where people go to vote when you talk about future policies being made we still do have a process legislation has to be written laws have to be voted on i guess i'm just wondering how this bill or brick conference is you know different than any other
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you know meeting that important people have lawmakers have when they have dinner or play golf together already. sure some of the minutes of build a burger been leaked over the years and all the birds confirm that it's been there's that we've covered on infowars dot com the b.b.c. has covered it and the the builder group shut up officially in one hundred fifty four it is you're back holland with prince bernhard and others stablish ing it has always been pushing for one world corporate fascist government and up until about five six years ago the mainstream media in this country the united states but also in europe would not even say it existed they would admit that the trilateral commission skull and bones bohemian grove did what they would say builder berg didn't exist and so we know from past research that the hundred twenty five the latest that meet there and there are twenty or so guest really do discuss policy behind closed doors and make a lot of important decisions they also have three or four builder bergs steering
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committee meetings over the next year or so this is one of the most important globalist meetings ever david rockefeller and his memoirs is written about that royalty attends this and this is one of the most important concepts out there and hillary clinton was fined back in the ninety's hundreds of thousands of dollars for attending builder berg when she was in the clinton white house and discussing policy at the event violating the logan act policy is being shut there and this is one of the most elite meetings out there let's talk more about what you were just kind of touching on which is that most of the mainstream media doesn't cover this they observe sort of a blackout covering their bag security is tightly controlled and those who do get in as you say they've got to keep their lips sealed but what is the media wanted to cover this especially being that it's in virginia this year i know you and your team had an experience trying to get some access in the past what would people
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encounter if they asked for say a press pass to builder of ard. well they won't even tell you that it exists when you go there but then separately because of pressure the last few years they have created a website they do put out a list of who's there but generally that's dissent from ations some of the people on the list aren't there a lot of people that are there are not on the list and in fact of the most important names. show i don't expect the mainline u.s. media to cover this this year because for so many decades they told their readers and viewers it didn't exist and you were insane so i think there is the big story that shows you how powerful it is the media for fifty years is covered bohemian grove a lot of big decisions get made there the media for decades has covered skull and bones they will not cover builder now because of the alternative media and r.t. on the drudge report and other starting to cover it because of that and because the alternative media has become so dominant now the washington post two weeks ago came
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out and admitted that senator rubio was going to the south american conference to be part of an unofficial builder bergs steering meeting anybody who knows about build a bird knows that the first media ever allowed in in fifty four was the head of the graham family that builder bird in europe and so every year since then either the son or the mother or the c.e.o. of the washington post media empire tense and they would never report on it now two weeks ago in a big column they basically go yeah rubio wants to be vetted by build a bear he wants to up his international career at boulder coming up in early june so he's going to this conference and alice for those of our viewers who don't know just give us a little. a little nuts and bolts recap of what happened when you tried to get into the hotel the last time around well i checked in two days before they shut it down
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and kick you out. and i had security walk up after i checked in and said alex jones don't you dare try to steal anything and i said well i don't steal and i don't have a criminal record and then i go in my hotel room and the fire alarm goes off and then they come out accuse me of doing it and told me i was trying to steal vases oh in fact they said don't steal don't try to steal vases during fire alarms but now you were unable to to be in the hotel when the conference was going on for sure no no then they kicked me out and then they had cars following us people driving and our o'dell rooms threatening phone calls all sorts of stuff of military and plainclothes harassing us i mean it was bizarre but jim tucker got shot it in portugal what back in i think was one nine hundred ninety one show so this is wild i mean in the past they really wanted to be secretive and now their cover is blown they admit that they basically exist but say that they're just
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a you know meeting you know discussing policy in a free and open way and that's why they have the secrecy but the new york times a few years after i infiltrated attacked my film the obama deception and said that i was at the westfield maryon in virginia having a loose a nation of goodness and then i was insane and that nothing even happened there and all remember the whole media is looking for obama and hillary where they're there they're the secret service the motorcade is there and the national media would not come and cover it that's how powerful builder burge is and i'm calling in closing i'm calling to occupy builder bark to protest it and i'm calling for tens of thousands to be there coming up in one month all right will you keep us posted on on what you see and will certainly keep our eyes there as well that is sort of relatively speaking in our backyard this here alex jones host of the alex jones shell thanks so much thank you and that's going to do it.


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